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Cold Climate Engineering (Nordic Master's Programme)

NTNU, i Trondheim
2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
2 år
Støttet av lånekassen

Cold Climate Engineering (Nordic Master's Programme)

The Master’s program in Cold climate engineering is a collaboration between three of the five leading technical universities in the Nordic countries (Nordic Five Tech). The program gives you a unique opportunity to tailor your degree based on your academic interests.

Graduates from the programme will benefit from the combined competencies, knowledge and facilities from some of the leading technical universities in the field of Arctic research and will gain a holistic approach to engineering in one of the most challenging regions of the world.

Each track gives a profound understanding of how the obtained specialisations can be applied in jobs as consulting or practising engineers, working in places such as design and construction companies, the mining industry, high-tech companies, research operations, and governmental bodies.

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