Are you interested in ecology, biological diversity and natural processes? Global environmental challenges such as climate change and species extinction make ecologists and their skills more important than ever.
The following courses are compulsory for all students: Conservation Biology, Global Change Ecology, Methods in Natural Sciences and a 60 ECTS master´s thesis.
Those courses will give you skills like:
- Have a thorough knowledge of ecological theories and factors that regulate the structure and diversity of ecosystems.
- Have an in-depth knowledge of ecological processes and the interactions between humans and ecosystems.
- Have knowledge of the significance of biodiversity for ecosystems and underlying causes for the loss of biological diversity
- Have up-to-date knowledge on global environmental change and how it affects organisms and ecosystems.
- Can use ecological principles and knowledge in an applied perspective; such as in nature conservation and the management of natural resources.
- Can plan and conduct advanced scientific field work in an independent way, as well as evaluate, analyze and synthesize the data afterwards.
- Can apply new insight and information to analyze ecological problems.
Kommende startdatoer
Bachelorgrad eller tilsvarende innen naturvitenskap og økologi
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Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU)
NMBU har studier og forskning som møter de store globale spørsmålene om miljø, bærekraftig utvikling, bedre folke- og dyrehelse, klimautfordringer, fornybare energikilder, matproduksjon og real- og ressursforvaltning. Ved NMBU kan du ta høyere utdanning på alle nivåer. Vi tilbyr alt...
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