Dyreavl og genetikk
NMBU is one of six European university partners in this international master programme.
The EM-ABG will concentrate on use of quantitative and molecular genetics for animal breeding purposes.
This involves the following concepts:
- understanding of and measuring genetic variation (Statistical Genetics) - molecular genetics and bioinformatics (Genomics) - design and evaluation of breeding programmes (Animal Breeding)
- understanding of intra-animal biological relationships (other)
A candidate who has completed the education is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes:
- Knowledge about both quantitative and molecular genetics for animal breeding purposes.
- How to write a master thesis based on own experiments, available data and/or available literature.
- Knowledge on how to utilise theory to meet the challenges in animal breeding and genetics.
Kommende startdatoer
Relevant bachelorgrad.
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Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU)
NMBU har studier og forskning som møter de store globale spørsmålene om miljø, bærekraftig utvikling, bedre folke- og dyrehelse, klimautfordringer, fornybare energikilder, matproduksjon og real- og ressursforvaltning. Ved NMBU kan du ta høyere utdanning på alle nivåer. Vi tilbyr alt...
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