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MBA in Seafood Management

2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
2 år
Støttet av lånekassen

MBA in Seafood Management

The Executive MBA with specialisation in Seafood Management is designed for people working in the seafood industry or related industries, where the need for sustainable innovation is increasingly important to succeed in a highly competitive and international environment.

The Seafood Management specialisation is designed for a specific market – the seafood industry. This industry is growing and is of particular importance not only for Western Norway but also for the whole world, as it has a key role to achieve a sustainable food production.

This specialisation aims at preparing professionals for senior management positions in the seafood industry and related sectors by providing in-depth knowledge and expertise across key areas such as economics, strategy, management, marketing, finance, and accounting.

The specialisation augments this broad, general curriculum with a strong focus on the seafood industry, its challenges and opportunities. Innovation, sustainability and a global perspective are therefore main themes throughout the programme. The specialisation provides breadth and depth through course work that is topical, relevant, and tailored to address the critical issues of the seafood industry today and in the future.

Specialisation structure

The specialisation consists of six modules each of which focuses on different subjects. The six modules include a weeklong on-campus session, digital and hybrid gatherings and technology enhanced learning elements. Four of the modules take place at NHH Campus Bergen and two modules take place abroad.

In addition to the six modules there will be be digital meetings of 4 hours duration that will take place in the weeks between the meetings, in total, there will be around six digital meetings for each module.

The specialisation consist of

  • Module 1: The seafood industry in a global context: Economics, markets and sustainability
  • Module 2: Innovation and technology
  • Module 3: Strategic analysis and sustainable business models
    Module 4: Management control and marketing
  • Module 5: Leadership and international management
  • Module 6: Finance and accounting

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Helleveien 30
5045 Bergen

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