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Human Factors Design

1 semester
Støttet av lånekassen
1 semester
Støttet av lånekassen

Human Factors Design

What is Human Factors Design?

Human Factors Design (HS design) is an approach to optimise systems performance by systematically focusing on the human component (human capacities, abilities, limitations, aspirations) throughout the Systems Engineering Lifecycle.

This module provides a framework and set of principles for HF design. It describes concepts such as Context of Use, Usability, Design thinking, Human Machine Interaction, Human Error, Universal Design and User Experience.

Participants will be provided with a framework for different methods and techniques that systematically integrate humans into the systems engineering lifecycle. Participants will learn how to identify and collect end users needs, optimally allocate functions between humans and technology and how to optimize the interfaces between the two. Participants will learn how to design and test interfaces between humans and technology.

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Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
Hasbergsvei 36
3616 Kongsberg

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