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Theory and Practice of Human Rights (master's 2-years)

2 years
Støttet av lånekassen
2 years
Støttet av lånekassen

Theory and Practice of Human Rights (master's 2-years)


               Why choose this programme?       


Human Rights: Few other concepts — legal, political or moral — can compete with ‘human rights’ as an emblem of modernity and globalisation.


It brings forward dreams of freedom as well as fears of foreign domination and it refers to actually existing international law and associated legal and political mechanisms as well as processes of far-reaching social and cultural change.

This programme focuses on human rights in both theory and practice from legal, historical, philosophical, political and social science-based perspectives. Students are provided with specialised knowledge about human rights law, including the relationship between that law and other types of human rights initiatives and activities.

Human rights are approached as an element of public international law, at global and regional levels, and the different forms of implementation — international, regional, and national — are examined. They are also contextualised within a social science perspective and knowledge about and understanding of the normative and institutional framework, contemporary issues relating to terrorism, religion, ethnicity, women and development are studied in different courses.

There will be opportunities to do practical work (mock trials, internships) and discussions about human rights as social and cultural practices are included in the courses. The final part of the programme consists in writing a thesis through which the students acquire methodological and practical skills well-suited to match a growing demand for professionals with a background in human rights.


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