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Development, Environment & Cultural Change (master's 2-years)

2 years
Støttet av lånekassen
2 years
Støttet av lånekassen

Development, Environment & Cultural Change (master's 2-years)


               Why choose this programme?       


What are the key systemic causes of the so-called Anthropocene era, how are different lives lived under this new planetary condition, and what are the main challenges in creating more sustainable futures? These are some of the questions you can explore in this programme.


During the last century and a half, the world has changed more dramatically than ever before. Since the Second World War, especially, the world has seen enormous economic growth, but the spoils have been unevenly distributed, and the negative consequences of this unparalleled growth have become increasingly clear. Now, in the early 21st century, the world faces three interlocking crises – of economy, identity, and environment – which all emanate from our failure to achieve genuine sustainability.

In the two-year master’s programme Development, Environment and Cultural Change (DECC), you will gain knowledge and critical insight into the key systemic features of the Anthropocene era, and learn how different lives are lived under this new planetary condition. The programme explores the complex interplay between different scales and localities, the role of different actors, as well as the relation between research and policy, within the sustainable development agenda. In addition, MA students specialize within topic areas related to the Centre’s ongoing research, through elective courses and thesis work.

Iris Leikanger - graduated DECC-student

"SUM and the  Development, Environment & Cultural Change  programme are international, multidisciplinary, and full of students and staff who are truly passionate about a wide variety of different topics and issues within climate, environment and development. That makes it a great place to be both challenged and inspired, and to further develop your own thoughts and engagement with the world."


By choosing DECC, you will acquire a keen sense of the problems involved and how they interconnect; an advanced grasp of how those problems have been theorized within social science and humanist scholarship; and the creativity to see how theory can be linked up with practice to assess, advice and create change. The DECC master’s programme approaches the complex issues of sustainable development with an interdisciplinary lens, building upon a foundation of humanities and social sciences.

The Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM) welcomes applications from students who are interested in studying in an international and welcoming workplace; who appreciate working independently as well as in teams; and who are interested in both the academic and the practical challenges of creating sustainable futures. Please explore these web pages for information about the programme’s structure, courses offered, learning outcomes, and how to apply.


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