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Master of Science in Health Management in Aquaculture

NTNU, i Trondheim
2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
2 år
Støttet av lånekassen

Master of Science in Health Management in Aquaculture

This programme is an International Masters programme, being coordinated by Ghent University, Belgium (https://www.ugent.be/bw/en/education/master-programmes/aquah.htm). Aquaculture, the controlled production of aquatic (food) organisms, plays a crucial role in relieving the growing need for health, tasty and sustainably produced food. For decades, aquaculture sector is the fastest growing food production system globally and is the only option to reduce the pressure on levelling or declining wild fisheries.

The ever-continuing intensification in aquaculture systems, along with an increased production scale has, however, inevitably resulted in the increased occurrence of viral, bacterial or stress-related disease outbreaks. This calls for innovative solutions to be developed and implemented by appropriately trained experts.

The programme offers 3 distinct learning lines, each addressing aquaculture health issues on a different level:

  • NTNU: relationship between the ecosystem and health
  • WU: preventing disease and maintaining adequate health, whilst minimising the impact on the environment
  • UAB/UB: the relationship between animal physiology and health

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