Internasjonale relasjoner
Do you want to understand and analyse international relations today in terms of diplomacy, development and environmental sustainability? This program provides the opportunity to adapt to the new global reality.
You will learn the theoretical foundations required to understand IR today, and use these to analyse global political developments from various entry points.
You will learn about security, environment, war, violence, state-building, diplomacy, etc. The Masters dissertation will enable you to engage in independent research in a topic of your choice.
The program increases the practical understanding of international interactions through (optional) internships and academic exchange programs.
Kommende startdatoer
Relevant bachelorgrad
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Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU)
NMBU har studier og forskning som møter de store globale spørsmålene om miljø, bærekraftig utvikling, bedre folke- og dyrehelse, klimautfordringer, fornybare energikilder, matproduksjon og real- og ressursforvaltning. Ved NMBU kan du ta høyere utdanning på alle nivåer. Vi tilbyr alt...
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