Globale utviklingsstudier
The Master in Global Development Studies (M-GDS) offers critical knowledge and understanding of contemporary global challenges with the aim of supporting just and sustainable development.
The degree is distinguished by its combined use of research-based pedagogy and real-world study and practice as the foundation to understand what development means, and how it is practiced in a complex and changing global context.
Students will gain a solid grounding in the concepts, history, theory and practice of global development. Students will learn about the conditions for human development at the local and global levels, and the relationships between development and ecological processes.
Kommende startdatoer
Relevant bachelorgrad
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Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU)
NMBU har studier og forskning som møter de store globale spørsmålene om miljø, bærekraftig utvikling, bedre folke- og dyrehelse, klimautfordringer, fornybare energikilder, matproduksjon og real- og ressursforvaltning. Ved NMBU kan du ta høyere utdanning på alle nivåer. Vi tilbyr alt...
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