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Sustainable Finance

2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
Neste startdato
2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
Neste startdato

Sustainable Finance

Gain a broad understanding of the challenges, trends, and the geopolitical aspects of social and environmental responsibility, climate change and global sustainable development, and deep insight into the role of finance in the global economy, and the adoption of sustainable technologies and practices. The programme will focus on the core economic theories that address sustainability and ESG issues, their macroeconomic aspects, and corporate dimensions. You will acquire an in-depth understanding of how it affects financial management and how financial constraints may limit or support corporate action towards these issues. By using and applying systematic and quantitative tools and methods within finance, you will be equipped to analyse and assess the impact, risks and benefits, of ESG and sustainability in the context of corporate decisions and development. The programme will also address ethical issues that may arise when trying to balance interests of investors, employees, other stakeholders, and society. By being introduced to a variety of relevant and real-world cases, you will be trained and experienced in critical thinking, problem solving and working individually and in teams.

Kommende startdatoer

1 tilgjengelig startdato


  • Klasserom
  • Oslo

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Handelshøyskolen BI
Nydalsveien 37
0484 Oslo

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