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Quantitative Finance

2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
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2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
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Quantitative Finance

The globalisation of today’s financial markets has led to increased international competition and a growing need for candidates who combine a deep understanding of financial theory with strong quantitative skills. Since companies today have access to large amounts of data, they need employees who can process and analyse financial data to make strategic decisions. The Master of Science in Quantitative Finance will provide you with the skills to assess problems, analyse them through advanced modelling, and make informed decisions. The courses will provide you with both quantitative and programming skills from topics covering numerical analysis, stochastic models, statistics, and econometrics. You will learn to use data and technology to better understand complex financial relationships and manage assets, evaluate risk factors, and maximize profitability. This combination of quantitative and analytical skills is easily transferable to other business disciplines beyond finance, which will make you a valuable candidate for employment across industries.

Kommende startdatoer

1 tilgjengelig startdato


  • Klasserom
  • Oslo

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0484 Oslo

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