Data Science for Business
Due to the digital revolution, data science has become a strategic necessity in virtually all areas of society, including business. However, data science alone cannot help us formulate and identify business-relevant questions and problems. For this purpose, sound business knowledge is crucial.The programme is designed to give you a broad and solid understanding of theories and concepts central to business, such as organisational behaviour, strategy, risk management, supply chain optimisation, marketing, and sustainability. In this setting, you will learn how to efficiently organise data science workflows using a wide range of data types, such as time series and text, and code and operate machine learning tools ranging from simple linear and non-linear regression and classification models to deep learning. This interdisciplinary programme is very quantitatively demanding and will challenge and enhance your technical and analytical skills, and improve your ability to propose, execute, and communicate analytical solutions to complex problems.
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Handelshøyskolen BI
BI er Norges eneste trippel-akkrediterte handelshøyskole. Et vitnemål fra BI gir deg derfor tyngden du trenger til å jobbe med det du vil. I dagens arbeidsmarked er det mange om beinet. Arbeidsgiverne vil ha de beste kandidatene fra de beste...